These two to three weeks are mainly used to finalise our work.We discuss together about some problems we met in the developme... -
We mainly focus on the backend coding, we introduce the use of Microsoft Azure and use it asthe backend of our calculator.At ... -
Development carried on In these three weeks, we focused on the user interface (UI) design and development of the tool. We de... -
Winter Holiday Review and Start of Term 2 In the winter holiday, we mainly study the following fields: (1) React(2) Html+css... -
Prototype Finalise During the tenth week, we tested the final prototype with a small group of users, including IFRC personne... -
Prototype Finalise In the eighth week, we designed the final prototype of the tool, based on the requirements analysis. We d... -
The final week of Term 1 We followed an iterative approach to design and development, incorporating feedback and input from ... -
requirement analysis During this week, we analyzed the requirements gathered from IFRC personnel and field workers. We revie... -
Carrying on HCI In the past reading week, the HCI presentation has been completed and submitted successfully. In this week, w... -
Carrying on HCI We are still carrying on our plan in preparing HCI presentation. Half of slides would be done in this week. A...
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